Everyone needs a restful night’s sleep. Some achieve it, some don’t. It can be really tricky at night to get a sound sleep because of several disturbances. One of which can be the position you sleep in. You might have the best pillows, mattress, comforter, and everything one needs, no question, but if you sleep funny you may find yourself waking up to pain and discomfort every morning.

Side sleeping is one sleeping posture that is said to have multiple benefits to the human body. No wonder 63% of the adults sleep on their side. The best posture depends largely on the structure of the human body. It all depends on which side you sleep on if you're a side sleeper.

Side sleeping being one of the healthiest sleep positions has several advantages, including better spinal alignment and a lower chance of heartburn, snoring, and back pain. After years of comfortably sleeping on your stomach or back, learning how to sleep on your side may not seem like the best option. We've looked at a few pointers to make sure you have a seamless transition.

What is Side Sleeping and Side Sleepers?

Side sleeping is where a person lays on their side with the legs and torso parallel to the mattress. The side position is often preferred by many as it can provide several benefits for both physical and mental health. Now people who regularly sleep on their side are known as side sleepers.

There are three primary positions to sleep, on your side, on your back, or on your stomach. However, it's thought that grownups like to sleep on their sides the most. Approximately 63% of American people reported sleeping on their side, in fact, according to a National Sleep Foundation research.

Types of Side Sleeping Positions

There are several postures that one might take when it comes to side sleeping, but certainly not that simple of a job as it seems. Selecting the best sleeping position may enhance the quality of your sleep and your general health because each has advantages and disadvantages of its own.

1. The Fetal Position

A couple sleeping curled up on their side and pulling their legs against one's chest

The name gives it away! One of the most popular side sleeping postures is the fetal position, which involves curling up on one's side and pulling one's legs against one's chest. Because it resembles the posture of a baby in the womb, it is sometimes referred to as the "fetal position". This posture eases back discomfort and lessens snoring. But for certain people, it can also compress the diaphragm and make breathing difficult.

2. The Log Position

A couple sleeping on their side with the arms and legs straight

Imagine a log in head that’s exactly how one looks in this posture. In this position, one sleeps on their side with their arms and legs straight. The log position keeps the airways open, which helps to minimize snoring. It also lessens back discomfort and helps to correct the spine. However, it may cause discomfort by applying pressure to the arms and shoulders.

3. The Yearner Position

A couple sleeping with arms extended outwards and one leg folded outwards

This one is quite similar to the Log position, but with arms extended outwards. Maintaining open airways and less snoring are two further benefits of this posture. Due to the head's elevation, acid reflux is less likely. But it can put strain on the shoulders, causing pain and discomfort in those areas.

4. The Prayer Position

A woman sleeping on her side with the hands clasped together as though in prayer

Those who frequently have neck problems frequently adopt the praying posture. You will be sleeping on your side in this posture, with your hands clasped together as though in prayer. Next, someone will lay their hands behind their head or beneath the pillow in the attitude of prayer. This position helps raise the head, which may be a sign that your pillows need to be replaced with firmer ones since they are getting old.

5. The Pillow Snuggler Position

A woman sleeping on her side with her arms and legs wrapped around a pillow

When sleeping on the side, embracing a pillow may be comforting and supportive. This posture eases shoulder and arm strain and helps realign the spine. Those who have heartburn or acid reflux may also benefit from it.

Health Benefits of Side Sleeping

So what makes side sleeping so popular? Let's take a closer look at some of the potential benefits of this sleeping position.

1. Provides Optimal Back Support

The comfort that comes with sleeping on your side is one of its key benefits. Your body weight is spread evenly when you lie on your side, which can relieve strain on your joints, particularly the hips and shoulders. People with illnesses like arthritis or back discomfort may find this to be very helpful.

Moreover, side sleeping helps support healthy spinal alignment. The spine's natural curvature is preserved when you lie on your side, which lowers the possibility of back strain or discomfort. Those who suffer from lower back discomfort may find this very helpful.

2. Improves Breathing and Digestion

Breathing and digestion can both be enhanced by side sleeping. Breathing becomes simpler when you lie on your side since there is less chance of an obstruction of the airway. Those who suffer from sleep apnea or snoring may find this useful. Furthermore, since sleeping on one's side relieves pressure on the stomach and enables it to rest naturally, it can help promote good digestion.

3. Reduces Acid Reflux

The ability of side sleeping to lessen acid reflux is another advantage. Because the stomach and esophagus are positioned lower than the throat when you lie on your side, stomach acid finds it more difficult to ascend and create heartburn. People with gastroesophageal reflux disease or acid reflux may find this very beneficial.

4. Comforts During Pregnancy

It is strongly advised to sleep on your side during pregnancy to ensure adequate blood flow to the placenta and to improve circulation by avoiding strain on the inferior vena cava. Additionally, by maintaining the natural alignment of the spine, this posture helps you get rid of your back pain, lessens the strain on vital organs such as the liver and uterus, and enhances breathing by avoiding the uterus from pressing on the diaphragm.

Side sleeping is the best pregnancy sleeping position for both the mother and the baby. Furthermore, sleeping on one's side—particularly the left side—improves digestion by allowing stomach contents to pass more easily into the mouth, which also helps reduce acid reflux and heartburn.

A person sleeping on his side on a bed with a nightstand and lamp by his side

Placing the best body pillow for side sleepers beneath your belly and between the knees can be used to make it more comfortable while still providing the expanding uterus with the necessary support.

5. Minimizes Sleep Apnea

When people sleep on their backs as opposed to their sides, they often snore more. Snoring might arise from an obstruction in your throat caused by your tongue falling back into your throat when you sleep on your back.

Breathing may be easier when you sleep on your side since your airway may remain more open. Because of this, doctors advise patients suffering from position-dependent sleep apnea, a severe breathing problem associated with sleep, to sleep on their side in order to reduce symptoms.

6. Improves Brain Health

By increasing the effectiveness of the lymphatic system, which removes waste from the brain, side sleeping may benefit brain health. By eliminating toxins and metabolic waste, this position—especially on the side of the nose that is not the dominant nostril—may help lower the risk of neurological diseases.

Furthermore, side sleeping is associated with deeper, more restorative sleep, which is necessary for memory consolidation and cognitive performance.

Side sleeping enhances general brain health and may help reduce the chance of cognitive deterioration over time by fostering higher-quality sleep. For this reason, switching to a side sleeping posture may help preserve brain health and perform at their best.

Pros on the left and Cons on right, of Side Sleeping, illustrated

Sleeping Tips for Side Sleepers

We need sleep for both our physical and emotional health. It might be difficult for side sleepers to obtain a decent night's sleep, though. The posture alone may be uncomfortable and result in a restless night of rolling over and tossing. Here are some suggestions to help side sleepers who are having trouble getting a good night's sleep. Sometimes you sleep fine but you might have shoulder pain when sleeping on the side, or even neck pain.

1. Get a Good Mattress

The base of a comfortable night's sleep begins with your pillow and mattress. You require a mattress that supports and aligns your spine properly if you sleep on your side. To reduce pressure points on your shoulders and hips, look for a mattress with plenty of padding and medium-to-firm support.

Likewise, choose a pillow that maintains your head in alignment with your spine and supports your neck. For side sleepers, memory foam or contour pillows are the best options since they fit the contours of your head and offer the perfect amount of support.

2. Try to Keep your Neck Aligned

Your neck is particularly vulnerable when you sleep on your side, and improper support can cause stiffness and pain in that area. Make sure your pillow maintains your neck in alignment with your spine to prevent this.

Pick a pillow that can be adjusted in height or that has a contoured design to support the natural curvature of your neck. To maintain hip alignment and lessen strain on your lower back, you can also try putting a little pillow between your legs.

3. Try to Keep your Neck Aligned

The fetal position and the log position are the two primary sleeping postures for side sleepers. Those who sleep on their sides are more likely to adopt the fetal position, which involves curling up towards your chest. But it can also impede your breathing and place undue strain on your joints.

Conversely, sleeping in the log position—which involves keeping your arms and legs straight—can result in tingling and numbness in your arms. Maintaining a comfortable sleeping posture that supports healthy spinal alignment is very important. Try out a few different postures to see which one suits you the best.

4. Try Stretching Before Going to Bed

Frequent stretching will ease muscular tension and promote relaxation, which will facilitate falling asleep. If you sleep on your side, concentrate on opening up the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and hips. To relieve stress from your body, you may also attempt some mild yoga positions like pigeon posture or child's pose. Just be cautious not to engage in prolonged, vigorous exercise right before bed since this might have the reverse effect and keep you up.

5. Pick a Side Sleeper Pillow

For side sleepers looking to improve their sleep quality, selecting the best pillow for side sleepers is key. Look for a pillow designed specifically for side sleeping, with features such as a contoured design or adjustable loft.

Materials like memory foam or latex make great side sleeper pillow choices as they provide support while conforming to your head and neck contours. A good pillow for side sleepers should maintain proper spinal alignment, reduce pressure points, and enhance overall comfort for a restful night's sleep.

How to Sleep on Your Side Safely?

Despite its benefits, side sleeping also has some downsides too. Sleeping on your side can also strain specific body parts, causing pain and even long-term health problems. So how can we make sure we're safely sleeping on our side? Here are some useful tips.

  • To support your head and neck and maintain them in line with your spine, use a firm pillow.
  • To keep your hips in alignment and lessen the tension on your lower back, place a pillow between your knees.
  • To prevent twisting your spine, maintain a straight body line from your head to your hips.
  • Select a mattress that will support your spine adequately while providing comfort for your shoulders and hips.
  • To avoid pain and poor circulation, do not tuck your hand beneath your head or pillow.
  • For extra comfort and support, consider wearing wedges or a body pillow.
  • Keep yourself on your side to reduce muscular tension and increase comfort during the night.
  • If your chronic discomfort is interfering with your sleep, or if you have particular medical concerns, consult a healthcare expert.

Tips to Switch to Side Sleeping Position

As we have established that sleeping on your side has multiple and significant health benefits, we also understand that some people will find it hard to switch their sleeping posture over night, even if they want to.

If you are someone who sleeps on their stomach or back by any chance then it might be quite tricky to change your habit so quickly, but we can always give it a shot! Changing your regular sleep posture will do wonders for you particularly those who have back discomfort or other medical issues. So try the following tips and start today:

Transition Gradually

Don't push yourself to sleep on your side right away if you're used to sleeping on your stomach or back. Introduce the new role gradually, beginning with brief bursts each night.

Adjust Your Pillow

If you sleep on your side, use pillows strategically to support your body. Put a single pillow in between each knee to help your hips and spine align. You can maintain the neutral posture of your neck by placing another pillow beneath your head.

Avoid Highly Soft Mattress

Make sure the support your mattress offers is sufficient for side sleeping. It should support your shoulders and hips and follow the natural curves of your body.

Keep Adjusting Pillow Thickness

To maintain your head in line with your spine, you could require a larger or thinner pillow, depending on the height of your shoulders.

Position Your Body

With your legs slightly bent, lie on your side. Maintain a straight upper body alignment with your neck and spine. Refrain from tilting your head back or nestling your chin into your chest.

Make Sure Your Back is Supported

To avoid rolling onto your back as you sleep, lay a pillow or rolled-up towel behind your back if you find it hard to stay in the side position.

Be Patient

Your body might need some time to become used to a new sleeping posture. Sleep on your side every night, but be persistent and gentle with yourself.

Keep a Calm Environment

To promote an easier transition and higher-quality sleep, create a cozy sleeping environment with the right amount of darkness, noise reduction, and temperature in the room.

Final Thoughts

Imagine that side sleeping can allow a person to get a fit body on the one hand and to have a high-quality rest on the other hand, so it has become adults favorite way of sleeping. As long as you are interested in sleeping like a fetus, a log, a sleep apnea, or a yearner, it will improve spinal arrangements.

The snoring might be more relaxed, the acids might be reduced, and the bothering problems like sleep apnea and pregnancy discomfort might be eased by the new position of the body. These are the accomplishments of a person who sleeps on the side.

One can add the habit piece by piece with the help of gentle changes of pillows, bed support, and personal body attitudes. It is impossible to overemphasize the importance of the correct position toward one's shoulders during the night thus, ensuring relaxation and good body physiology.

If you have discomfort or scientific problems that the physician might inform only a competent healthcare professional will be able to provide a personalized therapy plan to you.