16% of adults prefer to sleep on their stomach. Not a lot, yes, but if you are one of them, then you might want to spare a few minutes here. Although stomach sleeping is not the most common position amongst individuals, it sure seems extremely cozy.

There is no doubt that stomach sleeping has more downsides than benefits. We’ll be going through each of them along with its characteristics, the issues stomach sleepers face while sleeping, tips to sleep safely on your tummy, and ways to switch up your sleeping position. Keep reading to learn more!

Is Stomach Sleeping Good or Bad?

If you’re someone who enjoys sleeping on their stomach, you need to know that you will not be immune to certain adverse effects that it may have on your health. Although tummy sleeping is comfy and not all bad, still the majority prevails right?

Reduces snoring Causes chronic neck issues
Decreases sleep apnea symptoms Puts a lot of pressure on your back
Alleviates acid reflux Increases risk of wrinkles
Pressure on organs
Causes stiffness
Worsens existing joint pain
Disturbs breathing cycle

Sleeping on your stomach is not the best posture for your spine and neck, even though some changes might help stomach sleepers feel better. There always remains the risk of soreness and strain on your muscles and joints. Because your head is turned to one side for prolonged periods of time, it may further aggravate neck discomfort.

Types of Stomach Sleeping Positions

The term "prone position" also refers to lying on one's stomach when sleeping. This occurs when a person lies completely flat on their chest, touching the mattress with their entire body. While stomach sleeping is not necessarily a negative thing—for example, it can be quite helpful for people who have severe snoring problems and obstructive sleep apnea—it may not be the best choice for others.

Everyone knows that having a good night's sleep is essential to overall health. But is every sleeping position beneficial? No, lying on your stomach is usually regarded as one of the worst choices. Let's take a closer look at these common stomach sleeping postures and how they affect our health.

1. Freefall position

Many stomach sleepers may relate with the Freefall position, which involves putting their arms over their pillow and tilting their heads to one side. On the other hand, this position may strain and hurt your neck. Try resting your head on a thin pillow or on nothing at all to improve this position. This will encourage a more neutral spine and keep your neck from bending too much.

A woman sleeps on her stomach with her legs laid straight and hands ups near the head.

2. Running Man Position

Sleeping with one arm at your side and the other up in a running stance is the infamous running man position. It's almost necessary to maintain straight legs and hips at all times in such a position. To avoid twisting your head to one side, you can also rest a pillow on your forehead and keep your head down. In the end, it will be healthier for the health of your neck and spine, even if it could take some getting used to.

A person sleeps on his stomach with one leg straight and other leg folded while his hands are up near the head.

3. Skydiver Position

The skydiver position is when you sleep with one leg raised and position the arms by the head. Although it may look cozy, this particular one can strain your neck and spine. To avoid this you might want to maintain your leg down at all times and lay a tiny pillow under your pelvis to adjust this posture. By doing this, you may protect your spine from twisting and maintain a more neutral posture.

A person sleeps with arms around their pillow with one leg curled upwards and one leg straight.

Healthy Tips to Sleep on Your Stomach

Many people find sleeping on their stomachs a bit of a problem. However, with the following healthy ideas, you can comfortably and restfully do it. Here are some tips to help you sleep on your stomach:

1. Use a flat pillow

A supportive pillow is essential for sleeping in all directions, but it becomes more than necessary if one ever sleeps on his stomach. Your pillow should be firm and flat for your neck and head to remain aligned with your spine. This will depend upon the perfect choice for your stomach sleeper pillow.

An overly thick pillow can overstretch the neck, cause pain, and even keep you awake at night. Consider getting a body pillow or a thin, flat pillow specifically designed for those who sleep on their stomachs.

2. Use a thin mattress

A firm and thin mattress will provide the appropriate support for back sleepers. To prevent pressure from the back and neck, a mattress needs to be a plus but not too soft, and one in which you will not sink your body. If it is impossible to buy a new mattress now, you can add some new support by putting a thin board or piece of plywood under it.

3. Stretch before You Sleep

You can stretch before sleeping to prepare your body and muscles for sleep. But if you're a stomach sleeper, stretch your neck, back, and hips well to loosen the day's built-up tension properly. Some stretches you can do include cat-cow, child's pose, and cobra pose.

4. Avoid using a thick comforter

If your comforter is thick and heavy, you will find it a bit challenging to breathe smoothly against your stomach as you sleep away, resulting in restlessness and annoyance from increased perspiration. To remedy this, select a lighter type of blanket or breathable sheets that won't cause a disturbance to your breathing.

5. Use a knee pillow

Keeping the spine aligned is possible by placing a pillow between the knees in case one tends to shift or even rotate while sleeping. This simple action helps remove tension that could build up on the back and hips so quickly, and sleep becomes comfortable and restful.

For people who have undergone knee replacement surgery and are habitual or sleeping on their bellies, stomach sleeping pillows can really do wonders in supporting your knee post surgery while sleeping.

6. Avoid sleeping with your head turned to one side

It is common when people who sleep on one side wake up with stiffness and pain in the neck. To maintain the neck in alignment, it is best if their head is facing downward towards the pillow. If you tend to move your head around during sleep, a neck support pillow or a small pillow beneath the chin would be quite helpful in avoiding any unwanted movement.

A person sleeping on stomach with his mouth open and sleep mask over his eyes

Is it Safe to Sleep on Your Stomach During Pregnancy?

Understanding the physical changes pregnant women experience is the primary concern. The center of gravity shifts, and the abdomen is getting heavier because of that growing baby inside and an enlarging uterus. It makes it difficult to sleep on the stomach with different weight distribution.

There may not be much difference in how you sleep during the first three months of pregnancy, but if you are so sore, it might deprive you of a good night's sleep. This could eventually lead to insomnia, which can be disastrous for both you and your baby.

One of the risks of preterm birth is sleep deprivation while pregnant. This is because lack of sleep causes an increase in the stress hormone, which may lead to early labor; additionally, it can also prolong the labor hours and raise labor pains, making your birthing experience more arduous.

Health professionals recommend that pregnant mothers sleep on the left-hand side. This position ensures the body supplies blood well to both you and your baby. With this, there will be minimal straining on the liver and vena cava.

It also relieves foot, ankle, and leg swelling— otherwise called edema. More than that, since acid reflux happens to most (if not all) expectant mothers, sleeping on the left side can also relieve the pain to help you digest better.

A pregnancy body pillow for a stomach sleeper would help support your belly and cushion your legs more comfortably. At the same time, you sleep on your side, relieving some of this discomfort and providing further support for your growing belly.

A woman sleeping on stomach with legs straight, one arm hanging on her side, and the other near her head

What is the Best Pillow for Stomach Sleepers?

When choosing the best pillow for stomach sleepers, its objective should be to give soft and aligned support for the head and neck. The following are some key things to consider in the selection process:

1. Thin Pillows

However, if you are a stomach sleeper, a pillow with a low loft with low thickness is the best stomach sleeper pillow. A more giant pillow will only incline your head forward and could strain the neck. Look out for a pillow that features a modest two to three-inch loft because such a one will help keep your neck in a neutral and comfortable position.

2. Medium Firmness

For those who find facing down to be the most comfortable way of sleeping, soft or medium-firm pillows are advised. A firm pillow will give an unpleasant angle to the neck because the head will not slide well. On the other hand, the head remains in its place if a softer one is used while providing adequate support so that one feels comfortable around the neck and the spine.

3. Body Size

The other important consideration that you need to take into account is your body size. If you have a smaller frame or are petite and simply love sleeping on your tummy, then a thinner belly sleeper pillow will bring the best benefits. Such a pillow will keep the head from rising too high. On the other hand, a more significant pillow will require a slightly thicker pillow to ensure proper support.

4. Material

For those who prefer sleeping on their belly, these types of pillows are essential. With materials like memory foam or down, which can be too firm or thick for stomach sleepers, it's better to opt for those that contain crushed memory foam or pony up for quality synthetic down pillows.

5. Adjustable Pillows

If you can't find the perfect pillow, consider an adjustable pillow. You can change the firmness and height with these pillows by adding/reducing stuffing, which might better help you cops—especially if you are a stomach sleeper and must try several types.

6. Breathability

Breathability And maybe you should sleep warm, so a pillow with good breathability is crucial. The best material for such cases would be including latex or buckwheat, which enhances air circulation so that your night remains relaxed and comfortable.

How to Prevent Yourself from Sleeping on Your Stomach?

  • Place pillows under your knees or between your legs for extra comfort.
  • Choose a firmer mattress to make your stomach sleeping less comfortable.
  • Keep conscious all through the day to avoid sleeping on your stomach.
  • Train yourself to sleep on your side or back as much as possible with the use of appropriate positioning.
  • Think about using a body pillow to help you keep your preferred sleeping position.
  • If you wake up on your stomach, move gently to another position.

When to Seek Medical Care?

If you find yourself waking in the morning with persistent pain in your back or neck, either an ache or muscular numbness in your limbs or tingling while sleeping, even the sensation of suffocation, these may prove telling indications that you prefer to sleep on your stomach.

It is no longer an issue of personal comfort; there are chronic possible issues at stake. Look out for symptoms like indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux, which could be subtle but very urgent calls for professional assessment.

On top of these, the existence of comorbidities presenting before a case like sleep apnea or GERD makes the need for medical attention a priority since no concern of change in posture, distortion in spine alignment, skin irritation, or pressure sores is trivial.