Is there anything more irritating than having a snorer lying next to you in bed? Maybe not. These bizarre noises hurt the affected person as well as the other person around them. Although we continue to ignore it, this issue is far more than just a noise. Regular snoring may also be a sign of other health issues, such as obstructive sleep apnea.

Despite the fact that snoring is fairly prevalent, many people wish they could somehow stop it. So you might want to stay until the finish if you don't want to accept your fate as a lifelong snorer. We are here to dig out the causes of snoring and also shed some light on how a good pillow can go a long way in reducing it.

What Triggers Snoring?

Before jumping into further discussion we should establish the causes of snoring. Why do we snore, what are its consequences, and whether or not we can control it?

Snoring is caused by the rattling and vibration of tissues near the airway in the back of the throat. During sleep, the muscles loosen, leaving a very narrow passage for the air to pass. As you inhale and exhale, the moving air causes the tissue to flutter and make those annoying noises.

Some people might be affected by it a lot while the others, not so much. This is because the size and shape of the muscles and tissues might vary person to person. There are always exceptions. You may not every time you sleep, but there are certain risky factors that can make you a frequent snorer. You might wanna turn your concern towards these:

  1. Consumption of Alcohol
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Consumption of sedatives
  4. Nasal Congestion
  5. Obesity
  6. Small jaw
  7. Nasal Polyps (deviated septum)
  8. Large tonsils or tongue
Causes of Snoring While Sleeping

Snoring vs. Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a breathing disorder in which the airway gets blocked or collapses during sleep, causing repeated lapses in breath. Snoring tends to be loud and sound as if a person is choking, snorting, or gasping. Look out for these signs if you suspect anything unusual:

  • Breathing heavily while you're asleep
  • Abruptly awakening from sleep and struggling for air
  • Insomnia
  • Excessive perspiration while you sleep
  • Morning headaches or mouth dryness
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness irritability
  • Forgetfulness or attentional issues
  • Impotence

Does Snoring Always Lead to Sleep Apnea?

Not all snorers have apnea, but the two often go hand-in-hand. As these sounds get louder, chances of having sleep apnea are greater and greater. If you have apnea, your bed partner might notice that the snores are punctuated by pauses in breathing. Those are apnea episodes, and they can recur hundreds of times a night.

If you’re experiencing any of the sleep apnea symptoms described above, it’s very important that you seek treatment. Undiagnosed and untreated sleep apnea is directly tied to an increased risk in your cardiovascular and metabolic health.

Best Pillows for Snoring

Now that we have visited every nook and cranny of the causes, let’s jump into the much interesting part. How can a pillow help reduce snoring? Needless to say that by answering this question, in no way are we claiming that buying the right pillow will cure snoring or sleep apnea, for that matter.

We need to be mindful about the fact that picking the right pillow will only help you sleep right, keep a proper body posture in bed, and provide sufficient support. All these factors contribute to avoiding the possibility of snoring in one or the other way. So trying some home care is reasonable, and your pillow is not a bad place to start.

A supportive pillow can help you sleep on your side and a proper position will reduce or maybe even end your snoring issues. You can go for any of the following pillows if you are a loud snorer:

Wrong posture

Body Pillow

You must have heard of the ancient technique of sewing a tennis ball onto the back of your pajamas or night wear. This was done to keep you from turning over onto your back. A body pillow is a bolster-shaped cushion, a modern solution to serve the exact purpose. You can place it against your spine and it will help you sleep on your side all night.

Anti-Snore Pillow

Anti-snoring pillows are made to minimize snoring by aligning your head and shoulders. This will keep your airways open and allow you to breathe comfortably through the night. These also help you sleep on your side, which is always good, as snoring is triggered the most when you sleep on your back.

Many anti-snoring pillows are made with polyurethane. It’s firm enough to keep you in position, and it provides neck support for comfort. These are available in plenty of sizes and shapes like rectangles, ovals, triangle, sand more. They are usually deeper in the middle and higher on the ends to give a firm support while side sleeping.


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Side Sleepers Pillow

The name says it all! Side sleeping pillows are specifically made for side sleepers, so if you are a big time snorer and need to sleep on your side, these would be perfect. Side sleeper pillows are available in a lot of different shapes and sizes, but the contour shape will benefit you the most. Eli & Elm side sleeper pillows are designed in such a unique contour shape for keeping your posture aligned properly while you sleep. These have multiple health benefits as they not only reduce snoring but are also effective in relieving back problems.

Wedge Pillow

By now we have established that side sleeping is quite helpful in reducing snoring. But what if you just can’t sleep on your side? Sometimes habits just aren’t that easy to change or develop. That’s where wedge pillows come in handy. Even if you sleep on your back you can keep your head elevated. This doesn’t mean the easy way out, which is stuffing pillows under your head. That would be worse for your head, neck, and shoulder. A wedge-shaped pillow, often made of memory foam, works because it supports your shoulders and back.

Call Your Doctor

Not all pillows will be comfortable for everyone. Give it a try for a few evenings. Before purchasing any pillows, find out if you can return them if they don't help you. It can end up being a costly experiment. But sometimes buying a pillow may not cut it for you. If you are experiencing constant unusual symptoms, it’s a good idea to check with your doctor to confirm whether it is an issue that needs immediate medical attention.


Advanced Dental Sleep Treatment Centre: Can a Pillow Treat Your Snoring?

Sleep Foundation: Snoring: The Causes, Dangers, & Treatment Options

Baptist Health: Difference Between Snoring And Sleep Apnea

WebMD: Best Pillows for Snoring