Picture this: You’re all curled up in bed, ready to relax for the evening. The blankets are wrapped tight, the pillows fluffed, and the lights are down. You’re the king or queen of your comfy-cozy domain without a care in the world. You close your eyes, take a deep breath … and realize something stinks.

We all hate this moment, and we’ve all experienced it at some point. While you may wash your sheets and comforter regularly, accessories like your weighted comforter or blanket often get overlooked, leading to a stinky surprise when you least expect it. But it doesn’t have to be this way!

Today, we’ll cover how to wash your weighted blanket. No matter what kind of fabric it’s made of — hand wash or machine wash — we’ll break it down

What To Watch for Before You Wash

Before starting out on your washing journey, let’s do some homework. Not every weighted blanket is created equal, and various fabrics and materials have different care needs. Depending on what type of weighted comforter or blanket you've invested in, you may need to adjust care accordingly.

Here are some things to be aware of before you wash your weighted blanket:

  • Filler: Weighted blankets can contain fillers such as glass beads, plastic pellets, sand, bamboo, or even pebbles. Each type of filler must be washed differently.
  • Fabric: Your blanket may be made of cotton, polyester, or another fabric — all with different wash instructions.
  • Manufacturer instructions: Some blankets will have additional care instructions, so always check the tag for tips. The tag can usually be found inside the blanket, near the zipper. This tag will ideally have directions for water temperature, dry time, and whether or not you can use a washing machine.
  • Size: Check the size and weight of your weighted blanket before washing. Blankets under 20 lbs are safe for most home washers, but use a laundromat if your blanket is over 20 lbs.
  • Stains: If your blanket is super stinky, dirty, or stained, you’ll want to spot-clean them first to make the real wash easier. This can also protect your washer if your blanket is covered in dirt.

Once you’ve run through the checklist above, you’re ready to jump into the wash.

How To Wash Your Weighted Blanket

Scrub-a-dub-dub, it's time to stick your blanket in the tub.

Well, not really — but it is time to get your hands dirty and down to the serious business of washing your weighted blanket. In this tutorial, we’ll go over how to use both a machine and a hand-washing method, so just check your materials and the tag on the blanket to see which method to follow.

a step-by-step guide to washing a weighted blanket

Machine Washing

Let’s look at how to wash your weighted blanket in a washing machine.

Step 1: Prepare the Blanket

First, we’ll check the blanket to ensure it’s safe to put into the washer.

  • Check for dirt and stains. Examine the blanket to ensure it has no excessive dirt or staining. If it does, you’ll want to pre-treat any stains with detergent to ensure they come out clean in the wash.
  • Check for damage. Inspect the blanket thoroughly to make sure it’s not torn or fraying anywhere. Washing a torn blanket can worsen tears — and perhaps lead to a washing machine full of sand. (Less than ideal!)

After preparing your blanket for the wash, proceed to step 2.

Step 2: Check Machine Settings

Next, we’ll set the washing machine up to handle our blanket.

  • Insert blanket. Place the weighted blanket in the washing machine and close the lid.
  • Set the washer to Gentle. Wash the blanket on a gentle cycle with cold water. This will help preserve the fabric and prevent the internal beading from damaging the fabric or the washer.
  • Add a mild detergent. You can usually use a mild, bleach-free detergent to clean your weighted blanket, but always check the label to make sure.

That’s it. You can now wait for the washing machine to do its job and return after the cycle finishes.

Step 3: Dry

Finally, once the washer has finished and your blanket is clean (but still wet), you can usually move it to the dryer.

  • Check the care label. Only use the dryer on blankets that can explicitly be dried in the dryer. Otherwise, check the hand wash section below for air-drying directions.
  • Use a low-heat setting. If your blanket is dryer-safe, use a low heat setting, as high heat can damage the fabric and the internal beads.
  • Check the dryer regularly. Stop the dryer periodically to check the blanket to ensure even drying. You may need to remove and rotate it, as thick blankets can be difficult to dry thoroughly.

And there you have it. That’s how to wash and dry your weighted blanket using machines. Need to wash and dry by hand? Keep on reading to learn how.

Hand Washing

Let’s look at how to wash your weighted blanket by hand.

Step 1: Make the Cleaning Solution

First, we’ll get our tools ready for the wash.

  • Fill a large tub with water. Fill a bathtub, large sink, or bucket with cold water. Ensure you are comfortable reaching in and moving a wet piece of fabric in this location.
  • Mix a cleaning solution. Add 2 tablespoons of mild detergent to your tub of water and mix around. You can use your hands, but you may want to wear gloves to protect your hands.

Once you’re set up, go get your blanket. It’s time to wash.

Step 2: Begin the Washing Process

Next, let’s get washing!

  • Submerge the blanket. Add your weighted blanket to your water and detergent mixture. Once it’s wet all the way through, agitate the mixture gently. Again, you can use your hands for this.
  • Scrub any soiled areas. If your blanket is very dirty, you can use a small brush like a toothbrush to scrub out any stains or dirt.

Continue agitating the blanket until the water runs clear or you’re satisfied your blanket is clean.

Step 3: Rinse

Next up, we’ll need to get all that soap off.

  • Rinse the blanket. Thoroughly rinse until the water runs clear to remove all soap residue. If you’re using a bathtub, this will be pretty easy — just drain the tub and then turn the water on to rinse.

Once the water is clear, you’re ready to move to the drying stage.

Step 3: Air Dry

Finally, the last step is to dry your blanket. Remember: Weighted blankets will be even heavier wet, so be careful transporting yours from the bathtub to the drying location.

  • Select a flat surface for drying. Lay the blanket flat to dry on a large surface like a table, clean floor, or deep freezer.
  • Rotate the blanket. Turn the blanket periodically (like flipping a pancake) for even drying on all sides.

And there you have it. Your weighted blanket is clean, dry, and ready for snuggle sessions once again.

How Often Should You Wash a Weighted Blanket?

Something stinky in the state of Denmark? The recommended guidelines for washing your weighted blanket may vary, but when in doubt—use your nose! If you use your weighted blanket every night, you may need to wash more often than we list below.

Some general washing guidelines (not hard and fast rules):

  • For daily use: Wash every 3-4 weeks.
  • For occasional use: Wash every 3-4 months
  • Use common sense! If you smell odor or notice stains, dust, or pet hair, it’s time to wash.

Pro tip: Use a duvet cover to minimize the frequency of washes! This tip can be especially helpful for pet owners.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Here are some of the questions we see asked most often when it comes to washer and dryer protocol.

How do I dry a weighted blanket?

Always, always check the label. Once you’ve washed your weighted blanket, check the manufacturer’s label to find out if it can go into the dryer. If it can, we recommend a low heat cycle on gentle, checking regularly. If it can’t go in the dryer, we recommend laying your blanket on a clean and dry surface to air dry until it’s, well. Dry.

How do I wash a weighted blanket with beads?

Check the label on your blanket to determine what kind of beads it contains before putting it in the washer. Beaded blankets can usually be machine-washed unless they contain micro-glass beads or pebbles, but it’s important to check. A gentle cycle with a mild detergent should do the trick for most blankets.

How do I wash a weighted blanket with glass beads?

Again, you’ll want to refer to the manufacturer’s label for any material-specific directions your weighted blanket may have. Most weighted blankets with glass beads can usually be machine-washed — just use a gentle cycle with a mild detergent.

Can you put a weighted blanket in the dryer?

If your weighted blanket weighs less than 20 pounds, it can usually be dried in the dryer. Blankets over 20 pounds, unfortunately, will need to be air-dried, as they can damager your dryer. Be sure to check the manufacturer’s label to confirm dryer safety.

Ready To Clean Your Weighted Blanket?

Cleaning your weighted blanket doesn’t have to be difficult. By following the steps above, you’ll be well on your way to cleaner bedding — without the risk of stinky snuggles — in no time at all. Just always remember to check the manufacturer's label before putting anything in the washer or dryer!

Ready to invest in another weighted blanket? Check out our luxurious 100% cotton weighted comforter.