One of the most annoying conditions to wake up with is lower back pain, especially if it lasts all day. Back discomfort is typically the result of poor posture or a misaligned spine. You also have a higher chance of waking up with bothersome aches and pains if you sleep or stand in an uncomfortable or bent position. It's annoying, to put it mildly.

A specialized pillow might help lessen and occasionally eliminate lower back and hip pain if it is noticeable when you wake up. This is because, as we'll discuss later, a specialist or high-quality pillow provides additional support, relieves strain on your spine, and encourages better sleeping posture!

How Pillows Affect Your Lower Back Pain?

Your sleep may be enhanced in every way by a good pillow. Buying the right pillow may enhance your sleep and lessen back discomfort by giving you additional spinal support and creating a cozy atmosphere.

To get some lower back pain relief, make sure your pillow maintains a neutral pelvic and spinal posture. This keeps your back and spine straight and lowers your risk of developing back pain. To prevent lower back discomfort, your lower body and pelvic region must also be kept neutral or untwisted. This sleeping posture can be assisted by lower body pillows.

By relieving pressure from your body, memory foam and specialty lower body pillows help you avoid straining your muscles. You get a better night's sleep and a pain-free morning as a result.

Physical therapy alone has not been shown to be as effective in reducing back pain as physical therapy combined with a supporting pillow. Thus, it could be time to try out a different pillow if you're suffering from lower back ache pain.

Best Pillows for Lower Back Pain

Picking the best pillow for lower back pain becomes a necessity when you suffer every night and every morning. Now when we have discussed how a pillow can greatly affect you lower back we need to jump into the types of pillows that are highly compatible and comfortable for your lower back and will help you prevent pain and uneasiness when you wake up:

Best Pillows for Lower Back Pain

Latex Pillows

On the market, there are latex pillows made of natural and synthetic rubber. These may be labeled as rubber instead of latex. These pillows frequently include shredded latex fill, which allows you to adjust the fit by adding or removing filler. For many people with back problems, they are an appealing alternative because of their adjustable nature.

Backrest Pillows

To help you sit up straight, a wedge-shaped backrest pillow is available. This can help you sleep better at night by easing the tension on your back throughout the day. To support your back during the night, you'll also need a pillow.

Memory Foam Pillows

Polyurethane is a synthetic substance used to make memory foam pillows. It undergoes a unique manufacturing procedure that imparts its recognizable bounce-back and sponginess. A memory foam pillow helps support the alignment of your back since it molds to the specific shape of your body.

Additionally, unlike ordinary pillows, which have a tendency to compress over time, these pillows will revert to their former shape. Because of this, these pillows may be used to create highly useful knee pillows, which are placed in between the knees when a person is sleeping on their side.

Cooling Pillows

If you find that you toss and turn during the night due to warmth, you might want to acquire a cooling pillow. There are many various designs to choose from, but most of them consist of many layers, such as memory foam for support and a unique breathable/cooling substance in the middle.

Down Pillows

The softest and plushest pillows are most likely those made of down. Thus, if you've never been a fan of firm pillows, this could be the best option for you. If you sleep on your stomach, down is probably the most comfortable option because this posture often requires a thinner, softer pillow. Additionally, down holds body heat fairly well, so this may be your go-to pillow if you need extra warmth.

Hybrid Pillows

You may get both solid support and softness with a hybrid pillow. For people who are accustomed to sleeping with down pillows, this is a popular choice. It isn't as supportive as memory foam or a lower-body pillow, though.

What is Lower Back Pain?

The part of the back that begins below the ribs is known as the low back, or lumbar region. Most people have low back discomfort at some time in their lives. It's among the main reasons Americans skip work. Thankfully, things usually improve on their own. If not, your physician could be able to assist you with a number of efficient therapies.

Types of Lower Back Pain?

Low back pain can be classified in a variety of ways; two popular categories are as follows:

Radical Pain

An impingement or inflammation on a spinal nerve root might result in this kind of discomfort. Radicular pain may radiate into the leg and/or buttocks along a nerve root pattern or dermatome. Its distinct pain is searing, electric, and acute, and it may be accompanied by weakness or numbness (sciatica). Usually, it just affects one side of the body.

Mechanical Pain

Mechanical pain, also known as axial pain, is the most prevalent cause of lower back pain. It generally originates from discomfort in the muscles, ligaments, joints (sacroiliac joints, facet joints), or bones surrounding the spine.

The lower back, buttocks, and occasionally the upper legs are the typical locations for this kind of discomfort. It is often brought on by loading the spine and might feel different. Lower back pain while sitting, standing, moving, twisting, or moving backward and forward, can be felt more.

Furthermore, the kind of onset and length of lower back and abdominal pain symptoms are typically described as follows:

Acute Lower Back Pain

This kind of pain is usually abrupt, lasts for a few days or weeks, and is thought to be the body's natural reaction to an injury or tissue damage. The body recovers, and the discomfort eventually goes away.

Subacute Lower Back Pain

This kind of pain, which can last anywhere from six weeks to three months, is typically mechanical in origin (like a strained muscle or joint ache), but it lasts longer. If the pain is severe enough to interfere with everyday activities, sleep, or work, a medical workup may now be considered, and it is advised in such cases.

Chronic lower Back Pain

Typically chronic abdominal pain and back pain lasting more than three months, this kind of pain is typically severe, does not improve with over-the-counter medications, and needs a comprehensive medical evaluation to identify the precise cause of the pain.

Chronic lower Back Pain

Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

There are many other symptoms that can accompany low back discomfort. It might be severe and incapacitating, or minor and only bothersome. Either abrupt or gradual onset is possible for low back pain, which may begin as a recurrent episode and progressively worsen over time.

There are several ways in which symptoms might manifest themselves, contingent on the underlying source of the discomfort:

  • Dull or aching pain limited to the lower back
  • Sciatica is a tingling or numbing pain that radiates from the low back to the backs of the thighs and occasionally into the lower legs or foot.
  • Stiffness and spasms in the hips, pelvis, and low back

Other Symptoms of Lower Back Pain


You might find it difficult to move or erect your back. It might take some time to get up from a seated position, and you could feel as though you need to stretch or go for a stroll to help you loosen up. You can experience less range of motion.

Posture issues

It might be difficult for many people with back pain to stand up straight. Instead of having your torso in line with your spine, you can stand "crooked" or bowed. Your lower back may appear to be flat rather than bent.

Spastic muscles

Following a strain, the lower back's muscles may contract erratically or spasm. Severe discomfort can result from muscle spasms, which can also make standing, walking, or moving difficult or impossible.

Spastic muscles

What Causes Lower Back Pain?

Back pain can be brought on by a variety of illnesses, injuries, and ailments. Among them are:

Back sprains and strains

The most typical cause of back discomfort is a strain or sprain in the back. Should you lift something too heavy or not safely, you run the risk of hurting your muscles, tendons, or ligaments. Some individuals sneeze, cough, twist, or bend over, which puts tension on their backs.

Problems with structure

When the spinal column is too small to accommodate the spinal cord, a disorder known as spinal stenosis develops. Severe sciatic nerve pain and lower back pain might be brought on by anything squeezing the spinal cord. The curvature of the spine, known as scoliosis, can cause discomfort, stiffness, and trouble moving.

Disk issues

The vertebrae, or tiny spinal bones, are cushioned by disks. It is possible for disks to protrude from the spine and put pressure on a nerve. Moreover, they may tear - herniated disk. Discs may become flatter and provide less protection as they age - degenerative disk disease.


In an event, such as a vehicle crash or a fall, the bones in the spine may shatter. Osteoporosis and spondylolysis are two disorders that raise the risk of fractures.


This disorder results in the slippage of the spine's vertebrae. Leg and frequently low back discomfort are caused by spondylolisthesis.


The most frequent kind of arthritis that causes lower back discomfort is osteoarthritis. Ankylosing spondylitis results in inflammation, stiffness, and discomfort in the lower back.


Back discomfort can be brought on by infections, spinal tumors, and other cancers. Back discomfort might also be caused by other disorders. Kidney stones and abdominal aortic aneurysms are two examples of this.

what Causes Lower Back Pain

How Does Sleeping Position Affect Your Back?

An elongated spine or improper sleeping position are two major causes of back discomfort. For optimal comfort and sleep, your back and spine should remain straight and neutral. However, sleep deprivation is a key component that can increase lower back discomfort.

Your body doesn't have enough time to relax and repair itself if you have trouble falling asleep or don't sleep at all. Our bodies produce anti-inflammatory substances when we sleep. You'll probably have lower back pain without these beneficial substances since the inflammatory tissue is irreparable.

Even persistent pain has been connected in some studies to prolonged sleep deprivation. In other words, if you have lower back pain, you may set up a negative feedback loop in which you sleep in an uncomfortable position, have poor quality sleep, and then experience worsening back pain as a result of not getting enough sleep.

How Common is Lower Back Pain?

According to the Global Burden of Disease survey, lower back pain is the primary cause of disability worldwide. A large percentage of people will have lower back pain at some time in their life due to its extreme commonness. It is among the most common musculoskeletal disorders in the globe.

An estimated 80% of individuals will at some time in their life experience lower back discomfort. It can range in severity from occasional, minor discomfort to persistent, severe pain that makes everyday tasks difficult.

The chance of developing lower back pain can be influenced by a number of factors, including age, lifestyle, employment, level of physical fitness, and underlying medical disorders. While there isn't a significant difference in the occurrence of lower back pain between genders, some studies suggest that female lower back pain is a much more common phenomena, especially during certain stages of life like pregnancy and menopause.

Pregnancy back pain is very common, since the entire weight of the baby is created at the center of the baby and the back all the pressure to support it, which eventually develops constant discomfort for the expectant mothers. Try Eli & Elm’s Pregnancy Body Pillow innovated for the superior back, pelvic, and belly support.

How to Sleep with Your Pillow to Avoid Lower Back Pain?

Place a pillow between your knees as you sleep on your side

Try turning to your side if laying flat on your back doesn't seem comfortable:

  • Let your left or right shoulder and the remainder of that side of your body come into touch with the mattress.
  • Put a pillow in between your legs.
  • For additional support, think about placing a small pillow between your waist and the mattress.

You should fight the impulse to sleep on the same side of the bed regardless of whether you use two or just one pillow. Overdoing it can lead to problems such as scoliosis and muscular imbalance.


It won't help you to sleep on your side by yourself. The secret is to use the pillow between your knees. Your hips, pelvis, and spine will remain in better alignment thanks to the pillow.

Sleep in a fetal posture on your side

Try sleeping on your side, curled into a fetal posture, if you have a herniated disc:

  • To reduce lower back pain when lying down on your back, slowly turn over onto your side.
  • Curl your body softly toward your knees and tuck your knees toward your chest.
  • Don't forget to alternate sides periodically to avoid any imbalances.


Your spine's discs are supple pillows located in between each vertebrae. When a disc herniates, a portion of it pushes out of its natural area, resulting in neuropathic pain, weakness, and other symptoms. Putting your body in a fetal posture allows your vertebrae to expand up.

Sleep with a pillow under your stomach

It's possible that you've heard that sleeping on your stomach aggravates back discomfort. This is somewhat accurate as it might cause neck pain too, sometimes to an extent of cervical pain. You don't need to push yourself into a different position, though, if you find yourself resting on your stomach. Rather:

  • Put a pillow beneath your lower abdomen and pelvis to take some of the strain off your back.
  • You may or may not want to place a pillow under your head, depending on how this posture feels.


Stomach sleeping with a pillow may be especially beneficial for those with degenerative disc conditions. Any strain put on the area between your discs might be released by it.

Place a pillow under your knees when lying on your back

The ideal sleeping position for certain individuals to reduce back discomfort may be on their backs:

  • Lie down on your back.
  • Stack a pillow beneath your knees and maintain a neutral spine. The pillow plays a crucial role in maintaining the natural curvature of your lower back.
  • For extra support, you may also tuck a little towel under the small of your back.


Your weight is equally distributed across the largest possible region of your body while you sleep on your back. You thereby put less stress on your pressure spots. Better alignment of your internal organs and spine is also possible.

Take a nap in a reclining position on your back

Do you find that sleeping on a chair is most comfortable? Even though it might not be the ideal option for back discomfort, if you have isthmic spondylolisthesis, sleeping in a chair can help.

To get the finest alignment and support when sleeping in this position, think about making an investment in an adjustable bed.


A disorder known as isthmic spondylolisthesis occurs when a vertebra slides over the one underneath it. Your back may benefit from reclining since it makes your thighs and trunk at an angle. Your spine will feel less pressure at this angle.

When to Seek Professional Care?

Back discomfort from intense activity or heavy lifting is frequently the result of muscle tension. However, occasionally it results from tiny jelly-filled disks designed to protect the intervertebral discs. One of these disks may press against a nerve if it swells or fractures. Pain radiates down one leg from the buttock when the sciatic nerve is involved. This is as we hear is sciatica.

Consult a medical practitioner if you experience back discomfort following an accident or fall. This also applies to back pain associated with weakness in the legs, fever, dyspepsia, or discomfort when coughing or urination.