Pregnancy is a beautiful and memorable journey, but when insomnia decides to join in, it can be really challenging. Remember, while you are pregnant, your body is busy undergoing various amazing changes— after all, you are growing a baby and it is no easy task! That's why you need more rest than usual.

If you find yourself turning and tossing in the bed and struggling with insomnia during pregnancy, you're not alone. Proven studies by the American Pregnancy Association show that about 78% of the women expecting are experiencing sleep deprivation. Various factors, such as hormonal changes, physical distress, and mood swings can result in Insomnia during pregnancy.

But fear not! We are here to help you and your baby on board to get through these sleepless nights.

Pregnancy Insomnia: Understanding What It Is

Insomnia during pregnancy or in general is when it's hard for you to fall or stay asleep, or even both. Pregnant women can deal with insomnia at any point in their pregnancy, but it often happens more in the early than late trimesters.

Between your crazy bathroom breaks, hormonal disbalance, and pregnancy issues like stuffy nose and heartburn, you might find yourself spending more time out of bed than on it. The good news is that even though insomnia can make you feel pretty lethargic throughout the day, it causes no harm to your baby.

Major Causes of Insomnia During Pregnancy

There are various reasons why a pregnant woman has to go through restless and sleepless nights. These not only occur due to hormonal imbalance and mood swings but also because of the following:-

  • Increased urinary frequency
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
  • Back pain
  • Breast tenderness
  • Leg cramps
  • Short of breath
  • Anxiety
  • Vivid dreams

How to Fix Insomnia during Pregnancy: Natural Treatments & Home Remedies

We all are almost aware of the fact that sleep medications aren't typically advised when you're pregnant. A lot of expecting mothers look for natural ways or treatments that are safe and help them catch some peaceful sleep.

But remember, not all natural remedies suit everyone during pregnancy. Seeing a doctor is crucial to figuring out which methods suit you the best.

Here are a few naturally useful treatments and home remedies you can follow.


How to fix insomnia during pregnancy natural treatment
  • Prenatal yoga can reduce nighttime interruptions and improve overall sleep quality, especially if started during the second trimester.


  • Massage therapy positively impacts mood and sleep quality leading to fewer disruptions during pregnancy.


  • Mild physical activity or daily exercise, especially during the third trimester, can help soon-to-be-moms sleep better and reduce anxiety.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • It understands and helps in changing negative thoughts and behaviors.
  • A clinical trial showcased significant improvements in the quality of sleep and reduced symptoms of insomnia in pregnant women.
  • Going for CBT during pregnancy may also lower the risk of postpartum depression.


How to fix insomnia during pregnancy natural treatment
  • Acupuncture is one of the safe procedures to follow during pregnancy and can help with issues like back pain, headaches, and anxiety.
  • Research shows that it not only improves sleep quality but also possibly increases melatonin (a hormone that helps with relaxation and sleep). This also helps in the baby's brain development, as melatonin crosses the placenta.

Still Cannot Sleep: Tips and Tricks to Prevent Pregnancy Insomnia

While it might be difficult to completely stop pregnancy insomnia, there are a few things you can do to lower the chances of getting those sleepless nights. Most healthcare professionals suggest following "sleep hygiene" as the first step when dealing with pregnancy insomnia.

Sleep hygiene is setting up or creating an environment that helps pregnant ladies get good sleep. It drastically changes the quality of sleep and how they feel during pregnancy.

How to fix insomnia during pregnancy natural treatment

Here are some simple sleep hygiene tips that you can follow:

  • Keep your bedroom dark and cool. You can also opt for a dim night lamp in the bathroom if needed.
  • Try avoiding using screens like your phone or laptop before bedtime.
  • Avoid junk, spicy, or fried foods in the evenings, and also try cutting back on fluids later in the day.
  • At least 30 minutes of mild exercise is advisable.
  • Say no to caffeine and nicotine, especially during the hours before bedtime.
  • While lying down, try to sleep sideways. You can also go for different sleeping positions, regardless of the myths, as per your comfort.
  • Try finding the right pregnancy pillows for a comfortable good night's sleep. These pillows also help with lower back aches.

The Key Takeaway

Pregnancy is that special time in a woman's life when they appreciate and loves the change her body is going through. But, that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice a good night's sleep. For most moms-to-be, catching those soundless sleep in the first trimester can be a little challenging, but don't worry – it often gets better on its own. A little change in your routine and environment can help you easily tackle insomnia.

If not consulting with your doctor before trying any sleep aids or herbs is a must. Your doctor might suggest a safe sedative for you. Remember, asking for help is never a problem when it comes to your own well-being.

Have a good night, mom-to-be!


Sleep Foundation: Pregnancy Insomnia


WebMD: Pregnancy Insomnia

Medical News Today: What helps with insomnia during early pregnancy?

What To Expect: Insomnia During Pregnancy

Healthline: How to Kick Insomnia in Early Pregnancy

American Pregnancy Association: Pregnancy Insomnia: Snooze Or Lose!

Verywell Health: 5 Natual Remedies for Pregnancy Insomnia

The Bump: Pregnancy Insomnia: Why You Can’t Sleep (and How to Remedy That)