A pregnancy journey is a moment-in-a-lifetime experience, filled with hope, joy, anticipation, and preparation, especially for first-time moms. As soon as you get the good news, you start planning different other things for your baby. While you are preparing yourself to spend on things like renovating your baby's nursery or getting a stroller or a crib, don't forget about the small things that can make a big difference in your upcoming journey. Remember a few items on your checklist can make things easier for you.

Pregnancy Must-Haves for Every Mom-to-Be

Before you start buying things when pregnant, it's important to go through all the available pregnancy products and figure out what is actually required. Next, it is important to understand how each product can help you during this phase.

Here we have a list of things that will help make it easier for you to pick out items you require for your pregnancy.

1. Pregnancy Pillow

Pregnancy Pillow

First on the list is the pregnancy body pillow. During pregnancy, your belly gets bigger with time, and finding a comfortable sleeping position with a bigger belly can be challenging, especially when doctors recommend not to sleep on your back.

Therefore, side-sleeping becomes the most comfortable sleeping position during the second and third trimesters. However, sleeping on your side also becomes difficult with time. That is when pregnancy body pillows come in use.

Finding the right pregnancy pillow can be extremely helpful for expecting mothers as it provides extra support to your back, hips, and legs when you lie on your side. These pillows come in different sizes, shapes, and textures that are worth spending your money on. You can even use your maternity pillow even after your pregnancy period.

Also Read:
How to Sleep Pregnant Women

2. Belly Support Band

With a growing belly, your body weight shifts completely to the lower part of your body causing back pain, aching hip, and discomfort around your abdomen. A lot of pregnant women feel better by wearing a supportive belly band or belt. These elastic bands help lift and support your belly and also support your back.

Women typically use these bands usually at the end of their second trimester or the beginning of the third trimester. These belts work best for staying active or if you're more likely to have muscle pain because of pregnancy.

3. Supportive Bras with Extender

During pregnancy, the breasts tend to soar a little and increase by one or two cup sizes, especially in the first few months. That is why pregnant women normally need a new bra for better support during pregnancy. It is also important to see if your bra feels soft and comfortable along with providing support.

Getting a few sets of bra extenders can help during the initial stages to reuse your old bras when needed. You just need to attach it to your bra hooks to increase its length. You can also get yourself a nursing or maternity bra for later use, which has special openings on the cups for easy breastfeeding.

4. Prenatal Vitamins

Pregnancy journey is incomplete without prenatal vitamins. It is not always possible to get every necessary nutrition from food or keep a well-balanced diet throughout the journey.

Doctors mostly prescribe prenatal vitamins, as your body needs more vitamins and minerals like iron, folic acid, and calcium during pregnancy. Some expecting mothers find it easier to consume these supplements than having fruits and vegetables because of nausea or morning sickness.

5. Massaging Lotions and Oils for Stretch Marks

massaging Lotions and Oils for Stretch Marks

As you complete trimester after trimester, the internal pressure increases and less blood flows to your hands and feet leading to the swelling of your arms and legs. Therefore, massaging helps in better blood flow.

Moreover, during pregnancy, your body gains some extra weight that stretches your skin causing stretch marks, itchiness, and even a burning sensation. Applying moisturizer and anti-stretch mark oil can help soothe your skin and tackle common problems like dry or swelling hands, feet, and ankles during pregnancy.

Also Read:
How Much Weight Should You Gain During Pregnancy?

6. Maternity Clothing

Buying yourself a few maternity clothes is quite obvious as your regular clothes will not fit you well as you go through the different stages of your pregnancy journey.

The clothing you will need the most is maternity pants. You can also opt for a waist expander or comfortable sweatpants in case you do not prefer maternity jeans or pants. As you go into the second trimester, you will most probably need more maternity clothes such as shirts or loose dresses as your body keeps continuously growing.

7. Comfortable Shoes— The Flat Ones

Fancy shoes with high heels might be in fashion, but they are neither safe nor a good idea to opt for during pregnancy. You can flip or fall wearing heels, and that is not a good sign when you're pregnant.

8. Hot Water Bag

A warm water bag works best for releasing pain or swelling in your back or feet. There are various options when getting a hot water bag. You can go for the chargeable ones, saving you from all that extra effort, or even find one with batteries that make the water move, almost giving you a gentle massage.

9. Antacid for Pregnancy Heartburn

Antacid for Pregnancy Heartburn

Pregnancy heartburn is quite common. It is when the acid in your stomach goes up into your throat causing quite a discomfort. Keeping an antacid nearby for heartburn during your pregnancy can help you in such situations.

10. Pregnancy Books or Journals

As you proceed further in your pregnancy journey, every week brings something new and exciting for both you and your baby. However, it's normal to feel a bit stressed or confused about what's happening and what is going to happen to your body.

Getting yourself a pregnancy book, especially one with pictures, can be really helpful in understanding what you are actually going through as an expecting mother. These books not only give information on your baby’s growth and the changes in your body but also provide advice for prenatal appointments, tips for childbirth, and what to expect after your delivery.

Third Trimester Buys that Work Best After Your Delivery

Having the following items ready beforehand before your little one arrives can help bring calm when stressed and ensure you're well-prepared for that one special day of your life.

  • Car Seat: It is an important item for your baby's safety that is immediately required as soon as you leave the hospital with your newborn. It's a good idea to invest as you approach your due date.
  • Sleeping Spot: Whether it's a bassinet, crib, or a particular area, having a spot ready for your baby to sleep is essential.
  • Diapers and Wipes: These are some of the essential supplies to stock up on, as your little one will go through them quickly.
  • Layette: Prepare a collection of clothing for your newborn known as a layette. It typically includes pajamas, onesies, receiving blankets, socks, bibs, and towels. Wash everything in advance with a mild detergent as the skin of newborns can be extremely sensitive.
  • Feeding Supplies: If you plan to breastfeed, get yourself a breast pump and extra bottles to freeze and store the milk. However, for formula feeding, make sure you use sterilized bottles to feed your baby.


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The Bottom Line

The Bottom Line

When you are expecting, everyone talks about what your baby needs. But moms-to-be also need equal care and pampering. Even though pregnancy is a memorable journey, we at Eli& Elm understand how tough it can be for expecting mothers to handle things both physically and emotionally.

Therefore, taking care of yourself is equally important and what's better than having a checklist that can eliminate all your stress and ensure that you have the necessary items for a smooth transition into parenthood.


Verywell Family: 8 Pregnancy Must Have for When You Are Expecting

WebMD: The Essential Pregnancy Gear List for Expectant Mom

Parents: Your Pregnancy To-Do Checklist