Have you ever had a dream that left you to question, "Jeez, what was that all about?" That’s nothing but a fever nightmare or dream. These dreams are like the most extraordinary ones. They show up when someone has a high fever. Unlike regular dreams where waking up feels normal, fever nightmares often make people feel a bit weird or furious. It is not at all the vibe you would like to experience after a good night's sleep.

Now, no one completely knows the mysterious science behind these dreams, but few have some ideas behind their occurrence. Today, we're going on a journey to discover what makes these weird dreams.

So are you ready to explore the secrets behind it?

What is a Fever Nightmare?

Let us simplify this for you. When you are unwell or have a high temperature, your body is like, "Look, we've got a trespasser!" That trespasser is none but just a germ or maybe a bacteria that's making you unwell. To fight back, your body starts to heat up – that's the fever. But here's the twist: your brain gets a little confused when the temperature rises.

For instance, Imagine your brain is the hero of a movie but instead of defeating the actual culprit, your brain starts to imagine things called the fever nightmares.

Therefore these dreams are nothing but uncomfortable, bizarre, and weird sets of dreams that you see when your body temperature rises above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. According to the research conducted by Professor Michael Schredl at Germany's Central Institute of Mental Health, a huge percentage of people, i.e. approximately 94% have reported that their experiences were negative.

What Does It Feel Like to Experience Such a Dream?

Fever dreams normally vary from person to person depending upon how high is their body temperature. Therefore the temperature plays a major role when it comes to these weird dreams. If your body temperature is too high, you might dream of being thirsty or rather see yourself sweating.

The Underlying Symptoms

  • Spooky creatures,
  • Moving walls,
  • Animals with huge arms and legs,
  • The Absence of humans
  • Darkness spreading around
  • Moving metal spheres

Studies show that some even experience threats in their dreams. Crazy right? These threats come from anything like the following:

  • Animals
  • Insects
  • Rocks
  • Terrorists, or even
  • Huge spheres

A few have also reported getting ill in their dreams, like

  • Vertigo
  • Blindness
  • Breathing Problems

Do They Have a Hidden Meaning?

Do They Have a Hidden Meaning

According to dream specialists, fever nightmares or dreams don't have any exact meaning. It is only the mirror reflection of your entire day's thoughts. According to the "continuity hypothesis of dreaming," the emotions we have during the day directly impact the feelings we experience at night in our dreams. So, if you're feeling low during the day, those same feelings might tag along into your dream world.

It's a fact that when we're unwell, we tend to see fewer people. That could explain why we feel isolated in our dreams when we have a fever. It's like our brain collecting small pieces from our daytime experience and weaving them into the nighttime stories.

Is it Bad to Experience Such Dreams?

Even though fever nightmares can be a little stressful and uncomfortable, they don't really mean anything bad. Having fevers is actually your body’s way of telling that it's doing its job to fight off sickness or infection.

But, if you are experiencing a high fever for more than 2 days or so, it's advisable to reach out for some medical advice.

Fever Nightmare Vs. Regular Dreams

Regular Dreams Nightmares Lucid Dreams
Fever nightmares are usually unpleasant and not as dreamy and beautiful as regular dreams.
Regular dreams generally include all sorts of things, maybe dreaming of a promotion or getting your dream car. But these dreams are a bit more restricted in what you might see and feel.
Understanding the difference between the two can be difficult. The major difference between these two are- one revolves around health, temperature, and weird things while the other can be about anything. A lucid dream is when you're aware and conscious of the fact that you're dreaming.
A few of the lucid dreamers also claim that they can even manipulate their dreams. This major difference between the two tends to make fever nightmares more negative as compared to lucid dreams.

Want to Have a Peaceful Dream with Fever? Here’s How You Can Get It

Want to Have a Peaceful Dream with Fever? Here’s How You Can Get It

Well, there's no such guaranteed method to completely get rid of those unpleasant dreams during fever, but managing your body temperature can make a huge difference.

If you are down with a fever, consider the following tips:

Remember, these steps might not completely eliminate fever nightmares, but they could help you keep it away.

The Bottom Line

Now you know why these dreams are so weird and unpleasant, making you feel furious and shaken when you wake up. Apart from the rising temperature of the body, experts are still on the journey to find the actual reason behind such bizarre dreams.

So, if you ever find yourself in a fever nightmare, just remember, that treating the fever might help reduce these crazy dreams a bit!


Sleep Foundation: What is a Fever Dream?

Healthline: What are Fever Dreams (and Why Do We Have Them)?

Verwell Health: Fever Dreams When Sick: What Do They Mean?